Sunday, July 24, 2011

Thinking Ahead

Knowing that I might be spending the next several months pregnant in a foreign country has really changed my packing list. We are due to fly back to Korea in a few short weeks and I feel like I am never going to get everything finished. Not only do I need to purchase everything that I might need for the next year, but now I also need to purchase everything that I will need for my, hopefully, impending growing belly. Because I am not extra small and a size 0-4, clothes are extremely hard to come by in Korea. Bras are rarely found in a size C, let alone in a D, and shoes that exceed a size 8 are all but unheard of. This means that it will be nearly impossible for me to find or purchase any maternity clothes. Now I am sure most of you are thinking, why don't you just shop online. Well that is always a possibility but shipping packages from an online store to South Korea can cost anywhere between 100 and 300 US dollars, depending on the size and weight. The price alone is unfortunately not the only obstacle. Most stores do not even ship to South Korea, leaving me no choice but to pay twice for shipping. Once to my parents house and then to me. So while buying things like clothes for my family, medications, deodorant, toothpaste, vitamins, hair color, shoes, makeup, pregnancy tests (not sure if they have the home tests there), holiday decorations, Christmas and birthday gifts, tampons and everything else that I can not think of at the moment, I now have to add maternity clothes to that list. Please, wish me luck.

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