Saturday, May 12, 2012

There going to do WHAT while I'm AWAKE!

Today we returned to the doctor to determine our retrieval day, pick up more medication and get some unexpected news that would leave me feeling ill for the rest of the day!
Before I get into that, let me start off by saying that I have a true love/hate relationship with my fertility clinic for being open on a Saturday. While it allows for greater convince for a lot of people, having an unscheduled, no appointment necessary policy makes for a very overcrowded office and a lot of waiting around. It felt like half of the population of Daegu was there this morning. While we waited, Tyson played on my kindle fire and I wrote down all of the questions I had for the doctor. They were as follows.

          1. Will it be possible for us to transport the remaining healthy embryos we may have back the the US?
          2. If that is not a possibility, are we able to have them frozen and stored here?
          3. What is the average cost of storing embryos here?
          4. If I am on medications throughout the beginning of my (cross fingers) pregnancy, can I get a prescription for everything that I will need so I can take them home with me?
          5. Since I woke up during the D&C procedure, is there a different medication that we could use to make sure I stay asleep?
         6. Would it be possible to come in for the retrieval in the afternoon so that Jeff can be with me?

After a quick ultrasound to check on my now 20+ growing follicles, we sat down to talk with our doctor. To sum it up quickly, here were her responses to my questions.

          1. She will look into transporting them to the US for us. (Although. I think I will also be hitting the Internet up for this.)
          2. Yes we can freeze any remaining healthy embryos.
          3. Embryos can be frozen for up to 5 years with the cost of 100,000won a year. (100 US dollars.)
          4. I will be on injectable medication until the 30th of this month. We will  determine what other medications will be required after a positive pregnancy test, but it shouldn't be a problem getting the medication from here.
          5. "Oh no, no anesthesia, no going to sleep, that is imposable. No you will be AWAKE, we will simply inject several times to numb the area as best as possible before we begin." 
          6. I had to have Jeff tell me the answer to this one after we got home because I completely shut down after the word AWAKE!!! And no, no afternoon apt. 

When I say that I shut down, I mean that I felt as though I was going to vomit on her many photos of viginas covering the top of her desk. I wanted to cry, run away, tell her that I pass and I was done with everything, hide away in a dark corner and never let another human being near my vagina again! Even when the nurse came out to try to explain the medications I would need to take between now and the retrieval day on Wednesday, I could not calm down enough to hear a thing she was saying. Thankfully our friend was there with us and was able to explain everything to me again when my emotions setteled down enough to allow the rest of my body to function. 
As far as my medication, tomorrow is my last injection using the Gonal-f pen, but I am still going to be using the Orvidril every other day until the end of the month, along with the Metformin and baby aspirin. I go in on Monday at 8:00pm for a "trigger" shot to mature the eggs as much as possible before retrieval, along with taking two new medications (I'll add in the names later) in which I insert into my vigina starting on the 14th. I know TIM, but at this point, I think we long past that.  
So that is where I stand as of right now. Scared out of my mind and unable to concentrate on much else. Instead of being an event that I was looking forward to, it is now a day that I will be dreading. If you know anyone or have ever heard of someone going through this awake, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leave me a comment and let me know what I should be expecting. I fear more then anything going into this blind. 

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